J C and Us Ministries is a nonprofit established in November 2000 by Richard and Jennie Hardesty.
They were raised in Christian homes, were high school sweethearts, and have been married for over 55 years. They have served in their church at a Christian camp and in Mexico. They now serve full time sharing with bikers and others, the freedom that last forever, the freedom that comes only from God and Father through his Son Jesus Christ.
Were God leads we will follow, with the Ministry He has lead us across the United States. We have worked for our Lord and many out-law biker events, inner City Outreaches-many times teaming up with Feeding God’s Children; Joe and Beverly Esparza, they have a great outreach in North Highlands Ca., the Ministry also works a lot with Globe-O-Cross or sometimes called the Globe of Death, Hollywood Stunt Man; Monte Perlin and his wife Pam who has also worked as a stunt lady. They love the Lord and the Lord brought us together at a out-law biker event many years ago. They are a part of the Ministry team along with Joe and Beverly.
Also we have done programs at rest homes, work with the children at the rally, we have attended many large events with Road Shows, and Sturgis. Also going one on one with biker runs. The Ministry has a busy booth with free kids crafts, we give out free items that tell of God’s Love for all ages, most of the time ending with a Sunday Service at the events. Rich is ordained and has preformed many wedding.
Richard and Jennie do not come from the biking world growing up. But only God had put the desire in our hearts to do this Ministry. You many think I don’t come from this world of bikers, be open to God’s leading.
We need team workers. Be a part of the Us in J C and Us Ministries. We have on this web page a Statement of Faith, by Laws and Code of Conduct. Please read over it. When we first started with the biking Ministry we slept in tents and rode our motorcycles. Now we carry so many supplies we have to take a RV, that like to break down towing a 6 axle trailer.
You can be a part of the Us in J C and Us Ministries; we need team workers, prayers support and financial support. Every time you see a biker on the road pray for them.