Summer 2023
Our hearts were overjoyed because of all the prayers and support that has come in for the Ministry.
Psalm 118:24 The Lord has done this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad.
Our trip to Sturgis was uneventful except the one blow out that occurred on the trailer coming and going home and the trike. It was difficult to load up the trailer with only the rear wheels to load up with the front wheel that came off during a ride that Rich took hitting a pothole.
Now it is time to tell you about the good. Our ladies from Creekside Christian Church Missionary Group filled up all the bags of soap, shampoo, etc. That pleased everyone. With Gospel literature that was added to it during our work day here at our home. The table was full of Bible,” Hellfigther” books, scripture rags and key rings for people to receive at no cost. Bob and Chris are owners of the Gentle Eagle Camp where each morning a complimentary breakfast and dinner is served. Bob and Chris work hard at the camp but they do it all in the Love of Jesus.
When we arrived in Sturgis Thursday it rained most of the time until Sunday. Sunday at camp Rich opened up in the time of worship, Jennie got to share her testimony. Howard led us in music and shared a message. Then it was onto Hellfighters Dedication Service. A prayer was given to me for my healing.
Monday Howard didn’t get to go out because he was ill. Rich and I went to the free bike wash led by Mike and Paula, anyone who goes there will be touched in their heart by Jesus. Free hand massage, booth shine, free sausage, ice cream.
Tuesday – Thursday was given to the street ministry. Up by 6:30 leave camp at 7 be back at camp to start the work in the kitchen around 4. During that time the 3 of us planted many seeds for our Lord.
Howard will not be able to go to Street Vibrations this next month, he has a medical appointment.If we are to go we will need helpers. September 2ND our Fellowship Breakfast will be our time to make our decision.
Spring 2023
Spring Street Vibrations in Reno
Yes, it has been a hard dry spell, but you have been faithful to supply our needs to the MINISTRY, and it’s time. With the help of David and Ruchel, who are wonderful servants for our Lord.
With good weekend, but he brought up a good stunt rider, who Monte picked up in Las Vegas. Monte did the announcing, while Mike rote in the Globe . It made for a good show. Monte was taking a short ride in the Globe when the bike he was riding stalled out and Monte fell. As it was but in the fryer, “Today Monte is one of the most respected stuntmen in the business. At his home outside Los Angeles, he spends hours honing his skill on motor cross. Monte says, “I dedicated my like to stunts and whatever God would use that I would give Him the glory. I’ve stuck to my guns on that one.” the help of
The Ministry booth was a success. David offered prayer for different people. Gospel key ring, socks, Bible, tracts, books, kid’s gifts and Jesus Loves me balloons. Sunday Service was a success.
Our trip on our broke down pick-up. It has a broken power steeling pump. We woke up at 4:30 AM on Monday AND started making phone calls since we were towing a trailer it made it more difficult. It would mean we would have to leave our trailer there for 3 more days and that is not what we were willing to do. It started out at the Chevy store, went to O’Reilly, found a parking lot and proceeded to put on the hose. But it did not work, and man stopped by, and he offered to help, it was the same man that helped Monte and now he was there to help us. Some time was spent, more parts were purchased he took Rich back to O’Reilly he tried his hardest, but he was stuck, after the owner of the property came out to say we must move, and now what were we to do? Rich found a shop that was willing to get it fixed, there was a hotel right next door. We would leave the pickup at the shop. Next morning, we woke up at 6 am and walked to “All About Cars Total Car”. We walked over to Jimboys Tacos. They didn’t open until 7:30 am, had a bite to eat and we went to the shop. We were done and out of there by 2 pm.
Miracles do Happen. First time with Monte and the Globe, next time it was us in the pick-up. And the Good Ministry time.
Lord willing Sturgis.
Temporary Christmas Update Link
Fall 2022
I start off this newsletter with a grateful heart for all the prayers, food, donations to help purchase the food, the caring hearts, all the cards, flowers, candy, and for the faithful J C and Us Ministries supporters. I am also thankful for my daughter Kimberly who set up the food train and my sister Betty and her husband Rick that came from L.A., while I had my operation for a tumor on my brain. I will have to go through six weeks of radiation so the tumor will not come back plus I have one on the top of my head so they will treat that too.
Yes we will still do the toy runs, Feeding Gods Children toy giveaway. But the J C and Us Ministries Christmas Party will be cancelled. I will be tired from the radiation treatments.
Rich and myself will keep doing God’s will. So J C and Us Ministries will keep going, it’s just a bump in the road of life. Western Festival, Spring Street Vibration, Sturgis, Fall Vibrations, and more events to follow.
In His Service
Summer 2022
We would like to THANK YOU for your prayers and support, Sturgis was another memorable year.
We purchased a 2001 Chevy 250HD pick up to be used in the Ministry with the insurance money we received for the Harley that was totaled when our grandson, Mason, borrowed the Harley. It looked very good when we purchased it, but there were problems we were not aware of. One of the problems was the turn signal. Rich put in a turn signal unit in but that made more problems. It would not start; the security system locked us out. So, we called a tow truck to have it towed to Maita Chevrolet.
Maita thought they fixed the problem, but after brining it home we found out it was not fixed so we had to take it back. We were scheduled to leave Tuesday morning that Tuesday Howard and Rich came home from Maita and we left that morning. The Pickup did wonderful on the way to Sturgis but there was transmission problem on the way home, but we made it home. God provided a driver and a Ministry partner, Howard. Howard had kidney stones, Tammie our daughter passed away from kidney stones, so it made me fill very concerned for his health. We had to take him to the veterans Hospital, they have one in Sturgis, and all they did was give him some pain medicine.
When we arrived at Gentle Eagle, the owner is Bob and Chris, Chris had some very good news for us, a trailer with a bed and air conditioner was vacant, would we be interested in it? YES it was a Hot week 90 to 106 in Sturgis.
A Christian couple Bob and Chris own Gentle Eagle and all types of campers come to their camp. Chris in April went for female surgery, come to find out not all things were right with her heart, and the next week Chris had a three-way by-pass surgery. Still recovering from the surgery, she heads up a complimentary breakfast and dinner. They served around 100 home cooked delicious meals, along with a team of ladies. I was a part of the team when I was able to help. J C and Us Ministries had a table at camp, offering Free kid’s bags, shower bags, and other items.
Bob and Chris on Saturday was a day of Worship that they have at camp and J C and Us Ministries offered Worship Service on Sunday too.
Also on Sunday afternoon all the Christian biker clubs go to the Hellfighter, Mission of the Cross club house. Richard and Gina Headrick are the founders. Richard passed away Gina was committed to keep the evangelistic team alive, Gina is a strong Christian lady committed to serve her Lord. She told of the miracle that happened in Sturgis, in order to purchase the property. How God worked the impossible to the possible for HIS glory.
On Monday after taking Howard to the ER we made contact with the Free Bike wash, sausage, ice cream, oil change plus more. Michael and Paula take a group of committed Christians from Minnesota. They used to have it in the parking lot at a Church, but it is for sale, not able to be used. Michael and Paula prayed and they were lead to a main road that enters Sturgis but it cost thousands of dollars to rent. Life can be bad but God is always good. Don’t give up if God is in it and they didn’t give up. There they served the Lord, washing bikes and praying for the bikers. It’s not always easy but God makes a way.
Rich, Jennie and Howard left for the streets of Sturgis Friday, Saturday. Tuesday-Thursday, to get to the right parking spot, had breakfast then started sharing the Love of Jesus by their motorcycles. We passed out 400 Scripture Rags, 100’s of the Love of Jesus key rings, along with the picture of my trike and the plan of Salvation on the back of the card and passport books to Heaven and kid’s bags. Some listen but none received the Lord that day as their Savior. So sad, but maybe they will be touched by the Love of Jesus. He’s there to receive them. I would tell them “Not everyone could have a trike like mine, but everyone could have the LOVE of JESUS. Rich and Howard went to the streets of Sturgis at night also.
A note from Howard; I was blessed to be able to join Rich and Jennie to Sturgis and do the driving for them. It was exciting to go downtown and share the Gospel and the love of Jesus with the people. I got to pray with a man with a crippled hand. God blessed him and his hand was healed. He went down the street praising God. I also enjoyed handling out all the supplies that the ministry provided, especially the kid’s bags. I did end up going to the ER for kidney stone pain, but it didn’t last too long. All in all, it was a great trip and I sure do want to thank everyone who made it possible. God bless you al
It’s a YES for Sturgis next year; we already made reservations, plus Street Vibrations and other events.
We could not go without the support. We thank you, prayer support, financial support, helping put together the supplies. We appreciate all the Ministry Partners. It’s been a costly event. More events to follow,
All thing work together for good to them that Love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose Romans 8:28
Spring 2022
Was reading in Our Daily Bread, devotion for May 4th, Corinthians 9:13
Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God.
“It’s not by ourselves it’s by the Holy Spirit planting the seeds in His name. Others will come to His saving knowledge in our Lord Jesus Christ. “
We received a call from Pastor Jay Stevans, First Baptist Church of North Sacramento, asking us if we knew a biker couple that has been visiting his Church. It was Scott and Crystal. Scott has been ruining from the Lord. Crystal, his wife, is a Christian and has been asking prayer for Scott. Through His Holy Spirit God spoke to Scott’s heart while driving in his car. Scott said the sinner prayer right then and there. Now it is time to start going to Church, Crystal and Scott was married in First Baptist Church of N. S.. So it’s the Church that he was going to try. They made them feel real welcome. Had a nice lunch with them, Jennie has had lunch with Crystal some years back and has known them for many years, could see a real change in Scott’s life. His plans are being baptized.
We still have been attending biker events and meetings. The Elk Grove Western Festival was canceled. It was a hometown event, but now it’s time to travel. As you know the gas prices and everything has gone up. We Thank you to all the faithful supporters that have made J C and Us Ministries, others will praise God. You are a part of the team, if it was not for you, we could not go out into the biking world (One by one the seeds will be planted for HIM,)
June 2-5th Spring Street Vibration, Reno, Ministry workers are needed. There will be NO Fellowship Breakfast and Ride in June at the Barn Café, Ministry time is needed in Reno. August; Sturgis, S. Dakota, Sept. Fall Street Vibrations Reno. Keeping our hearts open for more Ministry Outreaches to Serve Him.
In closing it’s our prayer Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God. Cor. 9:13
We appreciate all the prayers and support, in His Service
Rich and Jennie Hardesty
J C and Us Ministries team
Winter 2022
Thank you for all the ministry partners, we are looking forward to another busy year for our Lord and Savior.
There are so many parts of the Ministry working together for our Lord. In Corinthians 12: 12 It states Just as a body though one has many parts, but all its many parts form one body so it is with Christ. So it is with the ministry, some are financial supporters, prayer partners, work the booth, fold up scripture rags, package supplies for the bags, key rings, scripture coins, and others working together just for J C and Us Ministries, and we Thank You
We had our 1st work day for 2022 getting the supplies ready for service. We thank all who were able to help.
While we may not be at the rallies we attend biker meetings, and biker events. There is a Hells Angel event this Saturday that we will attend, during the off times we still are busy. Flyers to print up, supplies to purchase, this year the dollar store where we purchase much of the supplies for the shower bags for Sturgis has went up to $1.25. When we put together 100 shower bags it counts up. So the Ministry money that comes in during the off time goes right back into supplies.
Our outreaches will start in May, if it is not cancelled again. Elk Grove Western Festival, it’s a local event and it a real busy time. Come and join us to help in the Ministry booth. June Spring Vibrations, August Sturgis, Sept. Fall Vibrations, this is just a list that we have now.
Its New Year 2022, God is faithful and looking forward to a busy year. Thank you for all your support.
The next newsletter will be coming out in mid May.
November – December 2021 (Family and Ministry newsletter)
As I am writing this as we are in the beautiful Tennessee Smoky Mountains. Our daughter Kim gave us a wonderful Christmas gift “on my bucket list” a visit to Dollywood. I requested that Kim comes with us to share this wonderful experience. So, Kim and her friend Gabe blessed us. They took care of everything. The Smokies Mountains are God’s beautiful handy work and Dollywood it’s so beautiful with Christmas carols and lights. With each musical program that we attended the story is told of our Savior’s birth. We did other fun things too. It was a real blessing and a lot of fun.
For Father’s Day the Hunt family took Grandpa and me to Wimpys Restaurant. Everyone rode their motorcycles, so that meant I was to ride my Harley, haven’t done it for some time. All the grandkids told me not to worry we will take good care of you, and they did. It was nice to be out with the family on our motorcycles.
Chris and John love to work with their hands repairing and building jobs. Sarah is in the medical field. Shandie is teaching high school. Mason was to start substitute teaching, but on the day he was to start he had a bad motorcycle accident on that weekend. His motorcycle needed repair, so he borrowed mine. He took a ride with his friends on the river road. His friend went down in front of him. In order to avoid hitting his friend, Mason also went down and almost landed in the river. He could have been killed. Some broken bones and a concussion. Right now, his teaching job must be on hold. He needs surgery. So, it’s by-by Harley but I still have the trike that is a wonderful ministry tool.
There in much uncertainty in this world. What is certain that God loves us and sent Jesus to be our Savior. In Him will we trust in Him to help us through each trial, and He blesses us with His unfailing Love.
The ministry traveled to Spring Vibration and Fall Vibration in Nevada and Sturgis in South Dakota. Two outreaches were canceled because of covid. There were SALVATIONS and much seed planting for our Lord.
This past year my niece’s husband Frank passed away from covid, only 39 years of age, Frank and Kristen has two sons 8 and 10 years of age, plus other ministry partners have passed away. Don’t know how much time any of us have, but until the Lord takes us home it’s in our Heart to Keep Serving HIM in the Ministry.
We closed off this year with the MMA toy run. We had a work day at our home to get ready for the event, all bags filled with items telling of God’s love.
We closed off this year with the Christmas toy runs. For the MMA toy run we had a work day at our home to get ready for the event, all bags filled with items telling of God’s love. M MA did a wonderful job reaching out to the needy children. Many came by to receive their free toys. Feeding God’s Children was even Blessed to receive some of the extra toys for their Ministry Outreach, supplying toys and food. MMA toy run was a very large event, 100’s of bikers came and children.
Thank you for all your support. Not all can come to the Ministry Outreaches, but you do with your support, helping get the supplies ready and prayer support, you are a part of the team.
January –April will be our slow time of year. We still attend club meeting and motorcycle events, but as far as we know right now we do not travel until spring. We appreciate all the support, so when the busy time of year comes, we can cover the cost of travel and purchase some of the supplies to get ready for the outreaches.
With each new day we will trust in HIM and Serve HIM. We are so grateful you have come along with us in prayer and support and if possible to help in the Ministry Booth. Don’t know what the New Year will bring, but our Lord and Savior does and we will trust in HIM.
September 2021
Fall is approaching; it has been a busy summer. We have attended many biker events. One event was for a biker who passed away from the virus. Prayed before we attended the event that we could be a witness for our Lord. God answered our prayer we got to share with a few.
We just came back from Street Vibrations, with Road Shows. It’s always a big event. Not sure how we were going to attend the event. But God had it under control. Our bus is still in need of a wind shield, our pick up was having transmission repair done, did not know if we could rent a pickup again because they need them for the fire workers. Just got our pickup back on Monday but there were still other problems, so we could not take it. Was to leave Wednesday for Reno. Gabe, Kim’s friend, had given his pickup to his daughter because she too had transmission problems with her pickup. She just got it repaired, so Gabe let us use his pickup. God’s timing was perfect.
Other God’s timing. We love it when Monte joins us with the Globe, love working with him, but this time he was not able to go. When I filled out the application for the event, I put down Church Service with Monte at the Globe. But he could not come, so I thought there would be no service. No need for the P. A. or to bring up Randy, my dummy. I heard a voice speaking to me to bring him, but I thought no need to. When we arrived at the event. We saw we were put in the program for a service at 9 a.m. CMA service was going to be at 10 am. We talked about it, and made the decision not to have the service because the vendors don’t open up until 10 so there would be hardly any people to attend.
Gayle, from CMA, came over to our vending spot and said we do not want to interfere with your service at 9 to set up our PA, because we start at 10. We will have our people set up our PA before you start. I told her I didn’t think we were going to have a service BUT that was not the correct decision. Holy Spirit was speaking for us to have the service. Howard was with us, he does music very well, CMA was going to let us use their PA, but Randy was not there. Dave and Debra were coming up and they didn’t leave yet, they came by our home and picked up Randy. God’s timing was YES to have a service for HIM. We had music; skit and Rich gave the message.
We thank all who came to help at the event. Three Salvations. We had a sign at our booth “If you are in need of prayer, we will pray for you.” So people asked for prayer. Gave out many items for kids and adults that tell of God’s Love. Shared with many.
Didn’t know how we were going to get to Reno. God took care of it. Howard does not always stay with us for the whole event, this time he did. God knew we needed music for HIS SERVICE, CMA letting us use their PA. God took care of it.
Ministry is truly grateful for all the Support we receive. Plus all the prayer support.
We need MINISTRY workers at MMA Christmas toy event. There will be children at this event to pick up the toys. J C and Us Ministries will have our booth there, have free crafts, bags, etc. that tells of the true meaning of CHRISTMAS. We would appreciate ministry workers at this event November 28th set up is at 9 am.
December 4th J C and Us Ministries at the Barn Café. PLEASE contact Jennie at 9165992705 if you can attend. You do not have to be a part of the membership of J C and Us Ministries to attend.
Plus there may be more Christmas Outreaches to come.
Please let us know if you’re in need of prayer, we will pray for you. We know many are going through some hard time. You’re in our prayers.
August 2021
There were many seeds planted for our Lord in Sturgis, thanks to all who support the ministry and the prayer power behind the ministry. We gave out 800 scripture rags, 600 leather key rings, with a message of God’s Love, 155 shower bags, and 150 children bags. As people stopped to look at the trike on street of Sturgis we would also hand out a card with a picture of the trike and the plan on Salvation on the back.
Rich wanted to take the big motor home to Sturgis, but all the problems we had with it didn’t get done in time. We rented a nice pick up from Enterprise to tow our ministry trailer, was a little cautious at first but it did great. Arrived in Sturgis at Gentle Eagle Thursday afternoon, unloaded the trailer, set up the ministry table at camp then started to help in the kitchen.
Bob and Chris are the owners, they like to serve the campers, they are a wonderful Christian couple. The campers could feel there is something much different staying at this camp. For breakfast and dinner they serve an average of 80 for each meal. I love helping for the dinner meal. I love working with the ladies in the kitchen plus you get to greet each camper. They served each meal with LOVE. Chris has a nice garden and much of the fresh vegetables comes from her garden. Each meal is made from scratch, even the biscuits, and each delicious desert. Breakfast and dinner is complementary. Prayer is given before each meal. There are bikers there from all walks of life.
Sunday along with the worship service, we head to the bike wash where they are getting ready for ministry that coming week. We then head to Hellfighters, where Christian groups are welcome to share what their ministry does. Rich got to share along with others. One was a group of Christian people who help at no cost to get stranded bikers home, which I got to use their services on the street of Sturgis. I noticed a lady lying on a bench across the street where we parked the bikes, and then she sat on the curve. I went and sat beside her; she had many problems. I prayed with her and gave her a Hellfighters New Testament. She needed to go back to Rapid City where she was staying and had no way to get there. Called up the group that I meet at Hellfighters they came and took her back where she could feel safe again.
Rich loves to go out in the evening but was not able to do it this year. He usually goes out with is a Christian man from Canada, but the border was in lock down. So, we served extra-long hours on the Streets of Sturgis in the morning and afternoon. Got up at 6:30a.m. was on the street by 7:15. We found our favorite place to park each day by Oasis Bar. Rich got to minister to an out-law biker, and others, when I felt lead as they were looking at my trike, I would say “not everyone could have a trike like this, but everyone could have the Love of Jesus,” I would point to the painting on my trike. I would also ask “do you have the love of Jesus in your life? “One man told me no I am a Jew, so I say I am Germen and I love the Lord Jesus. We talked a long time; he lives in Israel flew to San Francisco rented a Harley and came to Sturgis. I could tell a seed was being planted, he left then he came back but no decision was made. Another one was Bob; I asked him does he have Jesus in his life, he told me no and he has stage four cancer. Shared with him, gave him a passport to heaven book, prayed with him, he had tears in his eyes, but made no decision right then to accept the Love of Jesus in his life.
We listened, shared, and prayed some seeds came bouncing up at us again as they walked away some seeds maybe they are ready to take root. All I know we did our best to share; it’s up to the Holy Spirit to do the rest.
Last year was not able to go into the rest home in Sturgis, we have been doing a service each year. Praying we could do the same, was told to enter the rest home you must wear a mask and goggles, so we purchased both, contacted them again when we got to Sturgis was told no we could not do a program. I was disappointed. Our Church Creek Side Christian Church, ladies missionary group, made 40 lap blankets and 20 walker bags, we wanted to present them to them anyway, on Saturday we got the go inside the home. I had prayer over the beautiful gifts that was presented to them that they could feel God’s love and the love of others that care for them.
We love the ministry at Gentle Eagle, street ministry, and seeing other Christian groups there also.
Rich and I we went to serve our Lord at Sturgis, but it’s the US in J C and Us that make up the team and we THANK YOU
June 2021
Psalm 121: 1-2
I lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.

As we attend biker events our prayer is that we can be a witness for HIM. On one such event, a man set next to me, his name was Brian, we started talking he told me he was almost killed on his motorcycle. I asked him if that had happened, where would he spend eternity? It was not heaven, sorry to say when we left his eternity was the same. Praying the seeds that was planted for Jesus will someday change his destiny. Even if we are not at rallies all the time, we still attend day biker events.
The past few months, there have been weddings, memorial services, a get together to say good-by to a family that has helped in the ministry, because they have moved away.
During Easter week our Church had a meaningful walk through, a walk that Jesus took when He gave His life for us on the Cross. We were given a pass-port book to Heaven, which looks like a real pass-port, in it we stamped a Cross on one page all other pages was blank. I inquired if there was any extra, the Ministry was given around 300. All with blank pages, I prayed, set down at the computer and the Holy Spirit directed me what to say. We used them at Spring Street Vibration, gave out many and one lady was lead to the Lord by using the Pass Port to Heaven.
We only took our pickup to Street Vibrations with all the supplies, we are truly thankful to all who came to help load up. The Lord supplied the team workers. One couple was Ed and Sherrie, Sherrie is Rich’s niece. We prayed a lot for them a few years back. Sherrie’s mother, father (that’s Rich’s brother) and their daughter Janice all passed away with in a year and Emily, Janice’s daughter ,was very ill and was in need of a transplant, since then she has been in remission. Thru it all Ed and Sherrie is faithful to their Lord.
The other couple was David and Rutchel. David has been with the Ministry from the start. His wife passed away a few years back and the Lord lead him to his new wife Rutchel. She is a wonderful Christian lady. Both couples did a wonderful job in the Ministry Booth. We were truly Blessed to have them. One Christian couple that came by the booth was Gayle and Joe, had a good time sharing with them. Joe eyes are very bad from an illness, please say a prayer for God’s healing.
We are busy with different biker events, looking forward to Sturgis, S. Dakota, then Street Vibrations again in September.
We are truly Thankful for all your prayers and support. You are the Us in J C and Us Ministries. A Ministry team for our Lord.
March 2021
Blessing to you, Easter is almost here, we were Blessed thanks to our daughter
Kim we got to visit Jerusalem 2019 to see where it all happened.
First there was Good Friday, for Jesus followers it was the darkest day ever, when they saw Jesus on the Cross.
This comes from David Jeremiah The apostle Paul was likely the source of Owen’s catchy title, having written that: “Death is swallowed up in victory” (1 Corinthians 15:54, quoting Isaiah 25:8). He continued: “O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?” (1 Corinthians 15:55, quoting Hosea 13:14). When Christ died, death was the victor. But then came the Resurrection three days later and death was defeated! We can shout with Paul, “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory [over death] through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57). The Resurrection of Jesus is why those who believe in Him should never fear death. The Resurrection of Jesus took the “sting” (the fear) out of death.
It’s why Jesus came for us, we have a wonderful message to share with others. There is an illness more deadly than the virus; it’s a life without Christ in your life, unforgiven sin because they have not asked to be forgiven, the price Jesus paid on the cross.
This time of year it’s time to wax our motorcycles to get them ready for service. We have been attending motorcycle events but mostly with the car, nice weather is here time to get the motorcycles ready. 2019 was an extremely busy year for the ministry. We love doing it. But then 2020 the virus mostly all outreaches were cancelled except for Sturgis. The year 2019 there were a lot of expense for the ministry and it was hard to get caught up. But with all events cancelled in 2020 and thanks to the ministry supporters the bills were paid, and there is some money it the bank, but we have two broken down motor homes. Our Bounder has engine problems, we had a rebuilt engine put in, in Wy. but when we picked it up it would not run good at all. We got home with it had some repairs then it was good until we put gas mixed with diesel in it in Sturgis, because of the rally the gas station put gas in the diesel tank for all the bikers. Our catalytic converter did not like it and it started more engine problems. The RV Bus has not been driven since the axle broke, now it has transmissions problems, a supporter has showed interest in helping us get it on the road again. Sturgis we took a rented truck, it worked real well but when we get to an event we have no place to stay, last year God worked it all out for us.
Last year we joined up with Franklin Graham with Samaritan’s Purse to help the fire victims in Santa Cruz. I love the staff from Samaritan’s Purse and the work they do. We received a newsletter from Samaritan’s Purse, it tells of a biker that his life was changed because he lost his home and because of Samaritan’s Purse he has a new home awaiting him in heaven someday. Love the work Franklin Graham does and loves the bikers and this biker life was changed because of a disaster. Billy’s house was built on sand, now his life is built upon the ROCK of JESUS CHRIST.
Western Festival is canceled. There is an outreach in Reno in June with Road Shows, then July Hollister with Road Shows, August Sturgis, Sept. Reno with Road Shows, then comes Christmas outreaches. We don’t not know for sure all that with take place but we are trusting in our Lord and He will direct our path.
The Ministry is Blessed by your Prayers and Support.
December 2020
What a year this has been. Looking forward to next year, whatever happens God is already there. We will keep trusting in HIM.
For the first part of this letter is our family. Grateful it has been a healthy year. Everyone has a job. That is a Blessing. Kim and her special friend Gabe are doing well. Kim is still working at Sutter Medical. Chris and Mayce celebrated one year of marriage. Chris just got a new job and is going to live in the
foothills. John has a good job and a new truck and Harley. Sarah and her special friend Tyler are doing good both with new good jobs. Sarah is still going to medical school and is working in a hospital. Shandie, and Justin also celebrated one year of marriage. Shandie started off her High School English teaching career in the class room, last March she had to leave her class room to teach on Zoom. Mason loves his job working on motorcycles. We are Blessed. One Big blessing my car was dying and Kimberly gave me her car when she purchased another car. I just finished working at Keema’s Pumpkin Farm. Love working there. I give the children a chick to hold. When it starts in October the chicks are fragile at the end of October the chicks have feathers. I pray over the chicks every day. When they have their feathers people would tell me they haven’t seen chicks that calm to hold, I tell them why. Why this year was so different I also worked with King George the king snake. It’s not like me to even touch a snake. When I let him go the last day he went toward the tall grass turned around to my feet then went back to the grass. It was like he was saying thank you, I like you too. Working at the Pumpkin Farm it gives us money to take our yearly trip to Maui.
It truly has been different. Our passion to reach the lost for our Lord has not changed. We are ready when this world opens up again. This past year we had three different work days at our home. One was in February before the Virus came, to get the supplies ready for the year of Ministry. Since that didn’t
happen, now they are ready for 2021. The second work day was for Sturgis which happened, and the last one for MMA toy run. We had 100 kids’ bags ready for this event. MMA is a group of bikers, including Hells Angels. When the Lord called us into this Ministry this is the group He lead us to. We
meet with them once a month for their meeting the last one was in Feb. But Nov. 19 h we had a meeting with them, so good to be back since everything was canceled last Feb. The MMA toy run was a go then on the 20th of Nov. the event was canceled . 100 kid’s bags filled with items that tell of the Love of Jesus. Feeding God’s Children is having an outreach Dec. 12 th where they drive up in their car and the gifts are provided to them. 100 kid’s bags will be one of the gifts.
We are TRULY GRATEFUL FOR ALL OUR MINISTRY SUPPORTERS. We started the year in the red now it’s in the black. But our motor home is still not repaired. There were no funds for repair. The Lord worked it out this last year. He will supply it again this coming year. Sturgis was open it was going to happen, we felt the call to go. Still in the red, our motor homes would not run. We got blessed again. The Schuh family rented a truck for us to hall the supplies. We were going to stay in the truck for the nights at Sturgis. Bill and Sue were planning on coming to Sturgis and had the little cabin rented at Gentle Eagle. It has a bed and air conditioner and it’s very comfortable.
Bill got ill and they could not make it, they donated their cabin to us. The Ministry time at Sturgis was wonderful, one salvation plus we got to share the Love of Jesus to many, plus working at Gentle Eagle is a blessing.
One thing I have not shared, Rich seems to wear a sign that says ‘hit me”. He got hit by a car before the rally even started at Sturgis when he was on the motorcycle. When the car hit him it ran over his leg, took off his prosthetics leg, a man picked it up and gave his leg back to him. The next day when we was
in town the man came up to us and said I am the one that gave you back your leg, how are you feeling, he saw the accident. Thankfully he did because the lady said Rich ran into her, but she ran into him. Maybe we will get the cost back of what Rich had to pay for his part of the leg which was over $2,000.
Just in November the insurance companies had arbitration and that she was at fault. Satan tried to put a damper on the Ministry time but it did not work, yes Rich was in pain because of the accident but he kept on going.
We also went with Samaritans Purse and Kim and Gabe also joined to help one day. It was by Santa Cruz. All the devastation from the fire, we helped one home at a time. What a wonderful group of people Samaritans Purse is and what they do to help others with the Love of Jesus. Dec. 5 th is the Christmas Event at our home. We are truly Blessed with all your prayers, support, and your faith in us. We are looking and listening to God to do HIS WILL at ALL times. We pray for God’s Blessing on you.
September 2020
Well another outreach was canceled, St Vibrations in Reno. We look forward to this event each year, especially teaming up with Monte and Pam with Globe-O-Cross, to share the Love of Jesus.
Our daughter Kimberly told us about an outreach that was going to take place with Samaritan’s Purse by Santa Cruz Mountains. Kimberly has worked with them before, in Florida with the hurricanes and now three fires in California. Kim said we would love the staff with Samaritan’s Purse, and the work is very rewarding. She was right. One item I did not know there would be NO porta potties. Lots of trees. Kim and Gabe drove up Saturday morning just to work the fires. It was great working alongside them.
Never say you’re too old to serve the Lord, I was told of a couple that works the hurricanes. He is 91 and he pulls nails, his wife is in her 80’s she sweeps the floors. Two sisters are from Modesto, they usually cook for the team across the U.S. Our team this time was very small 38 is usually 338. They do all the shopping and get up at 3 a.m. to start breakfast. This time we stayed at Mount Herman and they did all the cooking, so the sisters were busy with registration. If God puts it in your heart, do it your not to old.
Each day we helped two owners with finding their precious belonging in the ash. One home in the morning and one home in the afternoon. If it was a two story house it was flattened so you could not tell it was. We put on these protection suits, we looked like marshmallows, no air could go through them, and they were very hot! At the end of the day we were cooked marshmallows.
At this house the owners were seniors, she just had a stroke. Rich found two glass lamps, the shade was gone but the main part was not broke, or cracked, they received them from her parents at their wedding. Rich also found at a different place a wedding ring, Kim found a diamond. Plus other treasures were found. We go out with a shovel and shifted through screens to find them.
One house they just moved in a few weeks ago and it was burned up, the day we were there it was their daughter’s 1st birthday. I brought some kids bags with me and was able to give her parents one to give to her plus a cute bear.
Before we left each home, the team would sign a Bible with a note to them. Tears filled their eyes as they received the Bible. The same was true when we would fine something in the ash that was precious to them.
This is the first one that opened up to Samaritan’s Purse to help in Californian since the many fires we have had, many more will be open up to help here with all the fires. They do wonderful work. In our team there was a lady from Oklahoma, Ohio, one from the Paradise Fire that Samaritans Purse helped her now she is helping others in Jesus Name.
We spent three days helping; it was hard for me not as hard for Rich. I found out how to pace myself. They do not want you to overwork yourself. After each dinner there is testimony time, there were Salvations. It was truly a blessing to hear the testimonies.
We don’t know what the Lord has for J C and Us Ministries it’s a ministry to Bikers and others. Praying there will be Christmas outreaches, and next year more outreaches will open up.
We thank all of our Ministry supporters and prayer partners, we are truly Great full, and you are a part of the team. We pray for you too with thanksgiving.
Our Christmas Party is coming, December 5th. Please if you can R.S.V.P.916-599-2705.
July – August 2020
In everything gives Thanks, God has everything under control. Rich was trying hard to get our Motor homes running for Sturgis, he fixed one thing then there was another problem. He spent time and money trying to get them fixed. It looked like it was time to rent a truck. God spoke to the hearts of a family and a check arrived at our door to rent the truck plus travel expenses. The truck did not have a trailer hitch so we had to put the motorcycles, trike and supplies into the truck. That was the hard part but God supplied the helpers we needed. The truck was a blessing it went up the hills and down the hills NO PROBLEMS and a great air conditioner.
I called up Gentle Eagle to see if they had any cabins open, (the cabins has a bed, heater and air conditioner) much better than sleeping in the hot truck. No cabins were available, however, our friends had a cabin rented for a week but Bill had to have emergency surgery, so they gave us their cabin. Thankful God took care of Bill before they left from California, all went well with the surgery. God took care of us by using their cabin and not the HOT truck. Gentle Eagle is a wonderful clean reasonable camp that Bob and Chris own. It welcomes all bikers and it’s used to reach the lost for the Lord.
In Calif. we can’t attend Church but in S. Dak. you can, you don’t even have to wear a mask. We got blessed. Bob and Chris, the owners of Gentle Eagle, built a very large meeting hall. There we attended two music services on Saturdays, they had a special group come in on Tues and Wed. called the Two Man Band. The band played beautiful gospel music while we served the campers their evening meals. We also had a Sunday Service then onto the Church where the bike wash was to be and attended their Service. What a BLESSING to be cut off from attending service here in California and get to attend 6 different Services at Sturgis.
Our days went something like this. We were up at 6:30 off to the streets of Sturgis, parked our motorcycles right in front of the Oasis Bar, ate breakfast, then the busy witnessing until in the afternoon, and ate lunch picked up parts if needed for the bikes back to camp. Jennie was in the kitchen around 4 pm to help prepare dinner, they had a wonderful crew to help, they have wonderful servant’s hearts, full of love and laughter. Finished around 8 pm washing the pots and pans, for three nights Rich and Richard Bigger would go to the Streets again. Lots of witnessing time, got to pray with a few, one was a worker at the bar who wanted prayer for his aunt. We had some rededications and Jennie had the privilege to lead one lady to the Lord. Passed out
1,000 scripture rags, scripture coins, hundreds of key rings with a beautiful message, 1,000 pictures of my trike with the plan of Salvation on the back. Gave out shower bags to clean yourself and how to clean your heart and kid’s bags. Friday morning Robert, Carol, Greg and Richard B came to serve our Lord together on the streets of Sturgis.
Wednesday we teamed up with the team at the bike wash. This bike wash started over 20 years ago with Mike, his heart was to witness to the bikers. He started with a bucket of water and some soap. Now he comes with a team from Minnesota, well trained to Serve the Lord. Many souls have come to the Lord because if His Love and obedience to serve Him. No social distancing, no mask, came in contact with thousands and so far all is well with us. It was a wonderful Ministry time at Sturgis, at camp, on the streets and at the Bike wash. So thankful for the privilege of Serving our Lord at Sturgis.
Our next ministry time was to be at Street Vibrations, there we get to team up
with Monte and Pam Perlin; Globe-O-Cross, we love serving our Lord together. It’s cancelled, we enjoy working with Road Shows, and sorry to say all the events we plan on doing with Road Shows has been cancelled. Don’t know yet what we may be doing in Sept. and Oct but Christmas outreach is coming. J C and Us Ministries Christmas party will be Dec. 5tlh at our home. More information to come next newsletter. You do not have to be a member to attend.
Praying 2021 will be a busy year for the Ministry.
We are TRULY GREATFUL for all who support , and prayers for the Ministry, You are a part of J C and
Us Ministries, you like ourselves are the Us, teaming up together to serve HIM.
May – June 2020
Make sure you test positive for Faith, Keep distance from Doubt, and isolate from Fear, Trust God through it all.
We appreciate all the support for the Ministry of J C and Us Ministries. For the past few months it has been different. Rich is busy getting the motor home ready. We experienced some engine problems coming home last year. It all started when we had diesel in the gas. He gets one problem fix then finds another one, don’t know if we will take the motor home, RV Bus (that has problems to), or rent a truck. We want God’s wisdom to get there with no break downs. We love the Ministry time at Sturgis, just getting there and coming home is sometimes hard.
In May we had our first Saturday ride days. Barn Café was still closed, so we met at our home to take a ride to the delta and stopped at Wimpey’s to have lunch on their deck. We arrived early before it was open so we sat on the deck just having a good fellowship time. A few other bikers came by and saw our
patch and mentioned to us they missed having a bike blessing. Scott, who rides with us, said I have bike blessing stickers. So Scott led in the bike blessing and gave them a sticker. We were not their by
accident, it was God appointed time to witness to the three bikers.
Sturgis is going to happen, Sturgis city council voted 8 to 1 to let 80th anniversary Sturgis happen. We were at the 75 th anniversary. It was so crowded that you don’t walk the streets of Sturgis you do the scuffle because of all the people. If God so will He will protect us from the virus. We are very much looking forward to going. This world is full of darkness, praying we will be a LIGHT SHINNING FOR HIM.
This last Sunday afternoon we had a gathering to put 150 kids bags ready for Sturgis, unload the trailer and the load it back up for Sturgis. We appreciate all the help. We plan on being at Sturgis July 31 st one week before it starts. There are a lot of people that come early for this event. Please pray we will get there with no breakdowns going and coming home. This trip is expensive enough without breakdown. We have fuel expense, ministry supplies, travel expense,
camping while we are there. Prayer and Support are greatly appreciated. Praying it’s a full two weeks of Ministry. Robert and Carol are also coming for part of Sturgis, pray for them also.
March – April 2020
There is an old Hymn that goes, A Shelter in the Time of Storm. We have been hearing Shelter in Place but we will shelter in place with Him. The song goes on to say He is the rock in a weary land. With this illness that has come to this land, we are living and seeing a weary land.
Deuteronomy 32:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you. “HE IS OUR ROCK in the Time of Storm.’ We have had many storms in our life, but God’s faithfulness is always there. God always sends others to us to help us, to that we are always truly grateful.
We thought we had the Ministry planned out. Back in February we packed the shower bags for Sturgis, had 300 Western Festival Rags printed up, and kids bags ready. The Western Festival May 2 nd and 3 rd has been cancelled. So now we have them all ready for next year.
Road Shows, Spring Vibration June 4 th – 7 th in Reno, praying it’s still a go. The bikers are ready to get out and ride over the beautiful Sierra Mountains, into Reno. Road Shows always puts on a good event for the bikers. With these times of uncertainty, people had things all planned out. Some may have things
taken away and can’t live the life they expected. Doors may be more wide open to witness for our Savior. God’s Word warns of this.
Matthew 6: 19-21. But what will last forever is the love of Jesus and His power that can never be taken away if we trust in Him. My heart and prayers go out for the ones that are hurting, the young people that cannot walk down the aisle to get their diploma, wedding plans, ones that have lost loved ones and can’t have a service like they would want to have, and so many other disappointments. But you also see God’s Blessing in the hard times.
So the upcoming events for the Ministry as of today are:
June 5– 7 Road Shows, Street Vibrations Spring Rally…If at that time Calif. is still in a lock down and you want to get to do something meaningful come and join us in the Ministry Booth
July 3 –5 Hollister Independence Rally, Road Shows
Aug. 7-16 Sturgis, S. Dak. June 15 th will be the date the Sturgis board will decide if the rally will take place .We want God’s will to be done. We look forward to the rally each year. If it does not, we have supplies ready for 2021. We also have 1000 Sturgis Rags printed
Sept. 24-27 Road Shows, Fall rally Street Vibrations in Reno.
We will see what doors remain open. Or what new ones may open up. The motorcycles are waxed.
Ready to do His will.
Romans 8; 38-39
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come. Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We are truly GREATFUL for all your Prayers and Support, Ministry partners that help in many different ways. We pray for you to.
In His Service;
Rich and Jennie and the Ministry team.
January – February 2020
Dear Missionary Partners; We are looking forward to another year of Service for HIM; our fire in our hearts has NOT gone out to reach the lost for our LORD.
The past few years we had a big outreach right here in Sacramento, called Easy Rider, this year it didn’t happen, there was no Easy Rider event in Sacramento, they are planning on being back in 2021, looking forward to attend that event again.
The Ministry had a work day February 1 st , started off with a breakfast then to our home to get part of the supplies ready for Service. We thank all who helped the supporters to purchase the supplies, Marlene for making all the wonderful shower bags, the ladies circle for bagging the soaps etc. for the bags, the ones that came to help. 130 kid’s bags ready for Western Festival in May, 480 pairs of socks with a tract inside what path are you taking. And 200 shower bags items to clean yourself and your heart.
At each Ministry Outreach we passed out hundreds of items all free. We do not see all the fruits but we know it happened. Salvations. Each item we pass out has a message of God’s Love on it. In Sturgis alone we are planning passing out 1000 Scripture Rags, Key Rings with a message “Jesus Cares for You, Scripture Coins, Bibles, kids bags to name a few. Each event many items are given out. Is it worth it; Yes it is. A few years back at the Western Festival a young girl came by our booth, picked up a Scripture Rag and gave it to her dad. He put it in his saddle bag next to his gun. One day he was going to end his life. Got the gun from his motorcycle and the rag fell out with the gun. He read the tract that was with the rag, gave his life to the Lord, he didn’t need the gun anymore!
Almost at ever event we have a Worship Service; will tell about one special service we had. . One time at a rally in Nev. Rich and Jennie were committed to do a Church Service at the rally. That Sunday Morning no one came except a young man that was recovering from being drunk. He was asleep on the bleachers. Rich told me yes we are going to do the Service, even if one person is here except this young man and he was not even there for the service, Rich said you don’t know who will hear the message, there are vendors nearby and they will hear.
I did my skit with my dummy, Rich gave the message. A number of years later we was at a Christian Biker event, a young man was giving his testimony when he saw us sitting in the audience he stopped and pointed us out. he said it was because of the message he received, (he was the young man that was drunk) I was the only one there and still you did the service, he said there must be something to it, he checked it out and received the Lord into his life. He now was working at a boys home, sharing with them the Love of Jesus.
You just don’t know, if we are working the streets of Sturgis or the ones that come by the booth, or even at a Church Service, but if God called you to do it, you do it and leave the rest to HIM. When people come by the booth or if we are working the streets. Sometimes we get to pray with them, or have the privilege to lead them to the Lord, or they just that the free items that has the true message on it.
We do our best; the Holy Spirit is the one that works on their heart.
We thank all of our Ministry Partners; you are part of the Ministry Team. We pray for you with thanksgiving. Pray this year will be an awe some year of Service, and no break downs, that would me a nice Miracle.
Merry Christmas;
The BEST GIFT WAS GIVEN TO EACH OF US; ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS RECEIVE IT. It’s not under the Christmas tree. Our Savior, Our redeemer, Our friend, He paid the price so we can have forgiveness of our sins, and His spirit dwelling in our hearts.
I am writing this newsletter, sitting on the 12th deck of the cruise ship. We thank our daughter Kimberly for blessing us with this wonderful experience and for our friends that blessed us helping us with the added expenses of this wonderful trip.
We boarded the ship by Rome, getting off in Abu Dhabi. It has made the Scriptures come more alive than ever.
This year has been a good change for our family. Shandie married her sweetheart Justin. Chris married his sweetheart Mayce. Sarah has a sweetheart Tyler. John just got himself a new pal, a dog named Beau and a new Harley Streetguide. Mason came home from a long trip on his Harley sportster, going across the U.S, he is now writing a book about his trip. Kimberly has a new person in her life, Gabe. There has been good times and hard times, but GOD is with us all the time.
We are looking forward to another year in HIS SERVICE. There has been 8 different outreaches we have served in this year. When we are home we still are serving HIM in local events. We came home Friday night from the trip. On Sunday we shared with testimonies, pictures and a skit with Randy at Pastor Jay’s Church about the Ministry. .
J C and Us Ministries is in the red at this time, it’s time to purchase new supplies for the Ministry work day Feb. 1st. When we get the supplies ready for HIS service.
WE THANK ALL OUR MINISTRY PARTNERS, that help the Ministry in so many ways, we are truly grateful. After experiencing the Holy Land trip, the love of Jesus is truly in our hearts to share HIS love. Looking forward to another year of HIS SERVICE.
Upcoming Events
Dec. 7th J C and Us Christmas Party
Dec. 14th Inner City Christmas outreach with Feeding God’s Children
Jan 1st Breakfast with the Hog Chapter
Jan 4th Fellowship Breakfast Barn Café, don’t know if there will be a ride.
Feb. 1 Fellowship Breakfast at the Barn Cafe then Ministry Work Day at our home.
I know a number of you gave to our niece’s surgery. Praise God she has not needed it yet. If God heals her without the surgery the money is in a fund and will be given to a person that needs it.
September – October 2019
The Ministry outreach for this month was Street Vibrations in Reno. There we learned perseverance. Monte and Pam were coming form the L. A. area, they have to rent a truck to get the Globe to Reno, and they were to receive the truck on Saturday morning at 8 am, load the Globe and be on the way on Sunday. The truck they had reserved for them was not there, after many hours of praying to locate a different truck, which they did at 8 pm that night. Pam had to fly to Sacramento because her back is so bad. Please pray for healing for her back, she could not ride in the truck. She was to ride with us in our car, which broke down so we had to rent another car. Monte arrived at our place Sunday late afternoon with their granddaughter Hanna. He towed our ministry trailer with the rented truck.
We are very grateful to Randy with Road Shows he provided a wonderful room at Silver Legacy, which our ministry could never afford. Our motor home is still under the weather since Sturgis.
There were some challenging times putting the Globe up and taking it apart. But with each show there was a short testimony how Monte puts his trust in the Lord.
The 2 ton ball, which is the GLOBE which Monte and Mike ride in, and the Ministry Booth was all set up by Wednesday afternoon for the starting of the rally. The weather was beautiful, ministry time was good, and the Globe shows went well. Feeding God’s Children came up on Thursday, Joe, Beverly, Howard, Richard and Paul it made a very good team. They also brought along lots of food to give to the people that needed it. The Ministry booth reaches the young and old the rich and the poor. Beverly and Joe gave of themselves to serve the Lord there too. They had to share their room with the men they brought up and we shared our room too, with the men. Plus they let Howard stay until we took him home Monday.
Howard is the head music man in their church but he got to bless the ministry in Reno with his talent and he also shared at the Sunday Service. Bev, Joe and two of the men left for home Saturday just before the storm came, very thankful that Howard got to stay to help in the Ministry Booth.
Saturday was a nice morning, booth all set up and ready to serve. Then the wind came Robert, Carol and Jason came just in time to help take the covering off our E-Zups. Thinking that would solve the problem. We just left the booth got a call from Howard saying our supplies were in danger for blowing away. Kim and Gabe came just in time to help us, the wind was very strong. The EZ-Ups was tied to the front of Rich’s bike; it blew the front tire off the payment. It was a hard task but we got the supplies in the trailer. Just as Gabe was closing the door the rain came. We had to get up Sunday morning at 6:30 am to put the booth back together for Ministry and the worship service at 10 am plus the Globe show. We made it. It’s called perseverance.
Sunday Service starts off with Monty and Mike riding in the Globe and then Monty shared his testimony, music, skit and a short service. The team got to share, pray and bless the people that came to the Ministry booth with the material items we have. We did our best, that’s all we can do.
We are still in the red of around $5000. Because of what happened to our motor home coming home from Sturgis plus the fuel cost is high, it’s time to get the supplies ready for next year but I don’t want to purchase the items until we get out of debt. Don’t like to pay interest.
Our daughter Kimberly gave us a wonderful gift by paying our way to the Holy Lands, we are truly grateful for this opportunity, something we wanted to do since we got married 56 years ago. It’s taking up the month of Nov
Remember our Ministry Christmas Party at the Barn Cafe Dec. 7th the cost will be $20 1:00 pm., the ministry does not make a profit, it’s what it cost. Includes chicken, tri tip, potatoes, veg. dessert, drinks and tip. We will share in a power point presentation of the Ministry 2019. It was a busy, blessed year, plus the fun of the ornament exchange. As you can see it’s at the Barn Café, now I know why the Lord laid it on my heart not to have it at our place. No way just coming home from the Holy Lands. PLEASE TEXT ME ON MY PHONE IF YOU CAN COME TO THE CHRISTMAS PARTY, I NEED A COUNT FOR THE BARN CAFÉ.
There will be more Christmas outreach in December, it will be posted on our web page and face book. We are truly grateful for all our Ministry Partners. It the US working for JESUS CHRIST, it’s a team effort.
(our God is alive and He watches over His children our grandson Chris along with his wife Mayce went to a motorcycle event, Mayce told me she never did this before put she said a prayer for safety when she arrived at the event. Going home there was a terrible accident right in front of them, car going all over, no place for Chris and Mayce to go but right between two cars that were going to collide. Chris heard a voice telling him which way to go, go right then another direction, he thought it was Mayce she never said a word, she was hanging on very tight to Chris. Praise God’s he listened to his angel that God provides for us his children.)
August 2019
“My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”
We left for Sturgis a little tired. Our granddaughter Shandie got married on Saturday had a family dinner at our home Monday, left at midnight for Sturgis then off to South Dakota by airplane. If you haven’t been called by God to minister in Sturgis, you probably will not understand why we love it there. We have been CALLED. Since Shandie was getting married we could not leave when we wanted to. A Christian friend we meet in Sturgis, James from Canada, drove our motor home to Sturgis. He drove his motorcycle from Canada to Sturgis, left it there, and then we flew him here to California to drive our motor home to Sturgis.
We tried to get the motor home in good repair before James left; he did have a problem in Nevada with the starter, so with the repairs done there including new tires costing $505. We were blessed to have a new radiator put in the motor home at no cost, so we fixed the air conditioner, we don’t have to travel with towels around us to cool off, costing $3500. The motor home did not heat up with the new radiator. What a BLESSING.
I will tell you about some of the hard times we had, I want to close off with the Blessing. We just came back from presenting a program at the Rest Home in Sturgis. Larry and Kathy from Locked Down for the Lord Ministries, they
arrange it each year for the program. I could feel the Holy Spirit working at the program, it was good. Came back to camp and found our neighbor EZ up came to visit our door. It wasn’t very much fun removing the glass causing cut
Then on the way out of Sturgis to go home, we filled the motor home with gas. Come to find out they put gas in a diesel tank over the rally. Our catalytic converter did not like it. We had it towed to Gillette Wyoming and some repairs done there then more repairs in Casper totaling $1206. We tried to have everything in working order before we left. However it still got damaged just parked in the campground then diesel in the tank. At this time it does not want to run very good, checking out the problems now. We are to put on the armor of God. We need armor for the motor home.
I prayed a lot to lead someone to the Lord at Sturgis, but it was seed planting time. Rich and I had some so close to receiving the Lord. It made my heart cry when they walked away. We prayed with some, witnessed to a lot. 135 kids
bags was given out, all filled with the message of God’s Love. When handing out the bags I would asked “do you take your children to Sunday School so they can hear about the Love of Jesus?” Most of the answers was no. Then it opens the door to witness.
The trike draws the people in so you can witness to them. When they would stop to talk we would give them a Scripture Rag, or a leather key ring along with a picture of the trike on the back was the plan of Salvation. 150 shower bags were also given out at camp. Items to clean their body and heart. Richard and James would go to the Streets of Sturgis at night.
We got to stop by Hell fighters. They make the wonderful Bibles we get to hand out, Richard Headrick the president of Hell fighters was not at Sturgis last year because he had stage 4 cancer. Not to live many more months. This year he was at Sturgis, medical reasons he was not to live, God said I am in control, more work for you to do.
We also stopped by the bike wash ministry Mike and Paula leads it up. They brought a bus load of well trained young people to Sturgis from Minnesota to do wash bikes, feed free food etc. It’s a wonderful Ministry spot for our Lord.
Jennie spends many hours in the kitchen at Gentle Eagle Manor, it is a wonderful ministry spot too, plus you get to work with wonderful servants for the Lord. You too can serve, you don’t have to ride a motorcycle to minister in Sturgis, and you can work at the camp.
Next year will be the 80th year of Sturgis, many will come to this camp, and there you can serve the Lord. It will be a real busy time. Bob and Chris love the Lord dearly, and use the camp for Him. They serve a commentary breakfast and dinner to the campers, held in the welcome center. It’s served with love, and lots of work.
They have small cabins, RV spots and tent spots, they are already filling up for next year, so if you feel the Lord calling you there, give them a call 605-423-9912 or go to their web Gentle Eagle Manor.
We closed off with a Sunday Service, which included Bob and Chris for music, Jennie and Randy and Rich closed with a short message. Good way to end a Great Ministry Time in Sturgis, so thankful the Lord let us come.
COMING STREET VIBRATIONS – Reno, Sept 25 to 29 th with Monte Perlin – Ministry workers needed.
We are so grateful to all of the MINISTRY SUPPORTORS, we are a team working for our Lord, the enemy is Satan, the battle keeps going, and we will keep going as long as the Lord keeps asking us to go.
June – July 2019
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to your understanding; and all thy ways He shall direct thy paths. Prov. 3: 5-6.
As I shared last news letter, we love serving our Lord in Sturgis S.D. Trusting if the Lord wanted us to go He would make a way. HE said YES, James from Canada is arriving here in Elk Grove, July 10th; He wants to see some of the beautiful places like Yosemite. We met James in Sturgis at Gentle Eagle, and we love working together for our Lord in Sturgis. He will be driving our motor home with all the supplies we need for Sturgis. Right now it looks like Al from the Ministry here in Elk Grove will be going with him. After the wedding Rich and I will be flying to Sturgis and bring the Motor home back with us. We are looking forward to a great Ministry time in Sturgis. Would appreciate much prayer with the team going first, travel and then serving our Lord there in Sturgis. Financial help would be appreciated too.
June was a busy month. July just started but I want to get this newsletter out. We went to a National Bike Show and Swap Meet for three days in Dixon with our good friends from Az. Skip and Leilani.
We just finished Christmas in June in Paradise. Right after the fire I felt the Lord wanting us to go there for Ministry. So I sent out an email in February, asking if anyone would be interested in with very little response, then in my heart I knew if the Lord wanted the Ministry there He will supply the workers and He did. It was held in the Veterans Memorial Hall in Paradise they were expecting up to 400 children.
I found this event on the internet and I called to see if we could join in. The traumatic experience they went through with their town burning. We loved on them with the Love of Jesus. We had wonderful books for them, bead crafts (we received
these beads with the Ministry Supplies burned down with our motorcycles, a few years ago, we had plastic beads and our friends from Az. gave the Ministry these beautiful beads). While they stayed at our booth making the craft, we got to hear their stories and we got to share with them and pray with them.
Tim came and did face painting. I was told by an adult this one little girl hasn’t smiled like this since the fire with her face painted like a cat. We had wonderful key rings, a bag full of Gospel goodies for each child, Scripture Coins, Jesus Love Me Balloons books, Bibles, etc. There were so many heart breaking stories. We thank all who came to help. Ron, Marilyn, Al, Tim and even Kim and our grandkids came with their friends for a while. That day Rich and I was celebrating our 56th wedding anniversary, so it made it special to have them there. It was good to be in Paradise and share. The Ministry was asked to come back again.
Here is a text Ron sent to me, it describes what we did very well “They came by the JC and Us tables and were painted, beaded and greeted with the love of Jesus. May God bless them, comfort and encourage them as they rise up and rebuild their beautiful town of Paradise.’
This is what we love to do for our Savior, life can be short. The news is full of biker accidents, police being killed, one MMA man was killed coming home from the Redwood Run, another ladies passed away in our Harley group, over 80 people killed in the Paradise fire. As long as the Lord wants us in this Ministry; we are willing to Serve. Praying we reach the lost for our Lord and Savior.
With each letter that goes in the envelope we say a prayer for you, appreciate all the support the Ministry is given. You are a part of the US in J C and Us Ministries.
Our Grandson Manson is still traveling around the U.S. thank you for all your prayers.
March – May 2019
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, let your glory be over all the earth. Psalm 57:5
Spring is here and we are seeing God’s beauty in the earth He created. It’s also time for the Ministry to be on the road again. We are so very grateful and we pray for God’s Blessing as you Bless J C and Us Ministries in so many ways. Helping with getting the supplies ready, financial support and prayer warriors and helping hands in the Ministry field.
Each month we attend MMA meeting and rides, besides Hog events. The Ministry had two different Ministry outreaches. First was Feeding God’s Children Inner City Outreach. Pastor Beverly, Feeding God’s Children, was in charge but she could not attend because she was in the hospital. She had it well organized so her daughter was in charge and did a good job. With each Easter Basket the children received Howard gave the Easter Message and we know of one Salvation. There were a lot of families at this event. In two hours J C and Us Ministries had free sand art craft for 160 children, each one had on it “Jesus Loves Me”. It was a joint event for Jesus our Savior, plus Tim did face painting which the children love.
Each year we do an event in our home town, Elk Grove Western Festival, which we just finished. Jesus takes care of His Ministry. We had to load up the pickup and trailer for this event. On Thursday Beverly called up and asked if we needed help to load up, Rich and myself was going to do it. So thankful she called, at 8 a.m. Friday she sent four men from the Lords House to help us load up and then set everything up at the park. God took care of our need.
Saturday and Sunday He sent the right people to help too. Streams in the
Desert; Dave and Roxie from Pioneer came and helped share in the Music. With the two we had from the Ministry Howard and Al also played the air was full with the name of Jesus in Music. You could feel God’s presence all around you. Each one that came to help in this outreach, each one was very important to share the Love of Jesus, and we thank you.
There were free Jesus Loves Me balloons, free material for adults and children along with free crafts. All had the message of Jesus Love, Worship Service on Sunday, prayed with people, witnessed to many, free pictures of them sitting on the trike, we put their picture in a frame with the plan of Salvation on the back and they can decorated the frame too.
One boy put a cross on his frame, and then he came back and told Rich my teacher says the cross is bad. Rich shared with him the meaning of the cross, after hearing the story he said it is not bad and kept the cross. Our heart was full of His Blessings as we got to share with so many the Love of Jesus.
Sturgis, S. D. is coming in August, our granddaughter is also getting married Aug. 3rd of course that comes first. We called up Gentle Eagle Bob and Chris and told them to let our camping spot go. We so very much love working at Gentle Eagle serving our Lord there, love the street ministry, serving our Lord in so many ways. The Bible talks about Christian being peculiar people in Deuteronomy 14:2, Some may call us peculiar, my mouth said we can’t come but my heart didn’t. If God calls someone to take our motorhome or just the supply trailer to Sturgis, we can fly out there on Tuesday and the rally is over on the following Sunday. If He wants us out there we are willing to go, if not we will wait until next year.
At this time we are finalizing some more outreaches, we will post them on Facebook, email and web page when we know the dates.
Keep the Ministry in your prayers as we pray for you to. We will go where He leads.
Also, pray for our grandson Mason Snyder, his sister is Shandie who is getting married in August.
He planned a trip around the United States on his sportster motorcycle. He has friends along the way but mostly he is by himself. Please pray for his safety. He is to be home in time for the wedding.
January-February 2019
We think of February as the LOVE month with Valentine’s Day. There is no GREATER LOVE than what Jesus has for us. The other night I was listening to Billy Graham on TV, he said it this way “Jesus died on the cross for us, one hand up to God the other hand down to us. He took our sins on himself so we can go to God’. He created us then gave HIS son’s life on the cross for our sins. There is no greater LOVE than this. John 3:16 Praying that 2019 we can share the Love of Jesus with many.
We THANK ALL who have supported J C and Us Ministry. January was the large Easy Rider Event at Sacramento Convention Center. Many different biker clubs attended this event. At our J C and Us Ministries booth it is our goal to reach the children at these events also. We gave out 148 kid’s bags, many items for adults as well that share the love of Jesus. We thank all the team members that came to help at these events. Gary Cox was at this event sharing the Love of Jesus, one man came back about 3 times to talk to Gary, a week later Gary was in the hospital with a heart attack, four way bypass followed. He is doing well. Thank you for all your prayers.

We are going to attend another new event hosted by Feeding God’s Children, March 30th, it will be a large inner city outreach. April we are going to have an outreach at a retirement place, take our motorcycles there and have a little program. May is Western Festival in Elk Grove also we are looking at an outreach at a Church by Paradise where they had the big devastating fire. God put it on my heart to do an outreach booth for the kids like we do at the Western Festival. Already new events for the year more to follow. When we are home we attend biker events and more. There is always someplace to go or something to do.
Our goal is to go where the Lord leads, to do our BEST for HIM. There are more biker outreaches coming, two are on the same weekend in June. WE are so very thankful for all the support financial, prayer, help to get the supplies ready, gifts of different kinds, team members, and encouragements. We are in a battle and it gets hard sometimes. Keep us in your prayers.
December 2018
2018 has been a time of trials and blessings. When our son-in-law, Al Hunt, passed away very suddenly in June it continues to be a very hard time. We know he is celebrating Christmas in Heaven. We THANK all who helped the family, with prayers, food and support of many kinds. Another update with Emily, many of you have donated to her kidney transplant, all the money came in so when it’s time it can be done, but her numbers have not dropped enough so it’s not Gods time yet.
Christmas is a time of gifts, when we think of the very first Christmas the very best Christmas was given to us for all of us to receive. We think of all of Gods gifts to us in HIS Ministry, and you are one of those gifts. For another year, J C and Us Ministries family of supporters has stood with us in prayer, notes of encouragement, financial support, and helped the Ministry in many different ways. All of which we count as blessings from God and evidence of your participation with us.
Rich had a motorcycle accident in February, when a car hit him. He is still recovering from that accident. His determination and the love for the ministry keep him going. Rich and I are so very grateful to God in the privilege we have of leading the Ministry of J C and Us Ministries. We pray this Christmas will be a time of blessings for you.
Please pray for the Hunt family. It has been a hard time for them and keep them in your prayers over the Christmas Season. It’s because of Christmas to all who have received the most wonderful Gift, Jesus into our lives and His forgiveness know someday when we get to Heaven it will be ALL GOOD. Until that day comes we will keep Serving HIM.
This year the Ministry had 8 different outreaches. Plus the time we attend many different motorcycle events. We could not do it without your prayers and support. Yes there were Salvations and many seeds planted for our LORD. You are a part of the Us in J C and Us Ministries.
Last August a biker and his wife, Frank and Aelita, came to us with concerns. Frank was to undergo a surgery and he was fear full if he didn’t make it where would he go? Rich got to share with him and Frank made his life right with the Lord. The surgery went well , but October Frank had a stroke and passed away. I believe God gave Frank one last chance to get his life right with the surgery coming up and he did, he received the free gift of Salvation. Frank was in the air force and Rich was asked to do the Memorial Service for him.
Nov. 25th was the MMA toy Run, many out-law bikers attend this event. It cost us $100. to set up a booth, was it worth it, YES it was. J C and Us Ministries was the only Christian Biker group to have a booth, reaching out with the TRUE meaning of Christmas to the children and adults with free crafts, kids bags, filled with Gospel Goodies which told the true meaning of Christmas, key rings, scripture coins, scripture rags, Hell Fighters Bibles and many other Christian items to give to the bikers. The true meaning of Christmas was told at the booth. We thank the great team that came to help and to all our supporters so we can continue do outreaches.
Looking forward to another year Serving our Lord.
We have much to be THANKFUL for If you received HIS gift of Salvation it can’t be taken away. Be in prayer for the ones that lost loved ones, the homes that was burned to the ground with the fires. May they all LOOK up to HIS strength and salvation. That they will have HIS PEACE IN THE TIME OF TROUBLE.
The Ministry has a new web page, we are on Face book, and we also have an email list that we send out on the updates of the Ministry and prayer concerns. If you would like to be on it just text me. Jennie 916-599-2705.If you shop on Amazon, we are on Amazon Smile, you can sign up for donation to J C and Us Ministries. A portion with go to the Ministry, the cost to you is the same.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
November 2018
WE wish to thank the TEAM that came to our home to load up for the MMA toy run.
Also THANK YOU for the TEAM that came out early Sunday Morning for the Toy Run.
It turned out to be a very large event. J C and Us Ministries was the only Christian Motorcycle Ministry group there sharing the True Meaning of Christmas with the children.
September – October 2018
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:2
Fall is in the air and Christmas is around the corner. This time of the year is still very busy for the Ministry. Besides attending motorcycle events there was one big outreach, it was Street Vibrations in Reno. Monte and Pam was coming from the L. A. area to our place where we keep his 2 ton Globe.
We had the rented truck to load it into and we had people over here to help load the trailer and Globe. We appreciate them coming very much. When it was time for our old fork lift to pick up the 2 ton Globe, it said no. It took hours to get it in the truck. Leaving for Reno the team was already tired. The Globe had to be set up. We thank the team from Feedings God’s Children for coming and also CMA’s members from the booth that was just across from ours. God provided what was needed.
Ministry booth was a very busy time. The team prayed with the people there, there were Salvations and Recommitments. Shared with the homeless, giving food and shower bags. Shared with adults and children.
Monte shared his testimony almost at every show, plus on Sunday the Ministry had a Sunday Service at the Globe. Monte and Mike started it off by riding in the Globe to draw the people in, Monte shared his testimony, Jennie and Randy shared a skit, and Rich closed of the service with a message. There was a man 88 years old, Robert that gave his heart to the Lord.
He said he had been going to funerals and all they talk about was dust to dust. He wanted to know where he would go; now he does. Rich called him and he said he never had the PEACE in his life until now. Robert also said to tell the supports of the Ministry, thank you for supporting the Ministry so they could come to Reno. We thank the Lord for sending us there.
The Ministry time was Great, there were trials but there was VICTORIES. We came home very tired but Blessed. We are very Grateful for all who came to help in HIS Ministry. We Thank you for your prayers and support.
Many of you have been asking about our daughter Kimberly and the family since the passing of her husband Al. and were told you are praying for them. We thank you. Kimberly rode her motorcycle to the Reno Rally. November she is flying to Florida to be with the team Samaritans Purse. There are some very hard days. Keep them in your prayers.
We thank all the supports of J C and Us Ministries, there are many who help in many different ways, WE THANK YOU. When we put you letter in the envelope we pray God’s Blessing be with you.
With Christmas just around the corner there are toy runs and other events to participate in to Share the Good News of God’s Love.
In His Service, Richand and Jennie Hardesty
We are so grateful to the Lord we Serve; He has given us great supporters for HIS ministry. We THANK YOU. We thank our Church also for letting us have a booth up the Sunday before we left to gain support for Sturgis, and for the Ministry team that helped us load the Ministry trailer for the trip. There is so much that goes into the trip, months before the 135 shower bags were packed. Many has helped in so many ways, WE THANK YOU
It was a hard decision on whether to go to Sturgis. Rich left the decision up to me. One big reason is that because of Al’s passing, it’s a very hard time for Kim and the family. PLEASE keep them in your prayers. About 2 weeks prior, I felt the Lord say go.
It meant going in the motor home that broke down last year, and we do not have air conditioner in the motor home when we drive. So it meant cooling bottles of water that have a little fan on it and cooling towels around our neck.
We left on a Sunday never even got to HWY 99, we had electrical problems, so thankful for Robert and Carol who came over to help us with that problem, also our speedometer broke. Problems fixed we left on a HOT Monday afternoon.
The motor home went real slow up each hill, but it made it until we got to Salt Lake City. Rich felt that the drive line was not connected correctly when they towed it last year; well it came off causing more problems. They towed us to a shop by Salt Lake City, all was fine until the owner found out we are Christians, and he had Mormon articles all hanging on his walls at the shop. He told Rich it would be 3 to 5 days to get the parts, and expenses to repair.
First time we ever used a Uber driver, we know this one was picked by God, he drove Rich all over Salt Lake City to get the parts, by 5:30 pm he was back with the parts, the man at the shop said he would not put them on because Rich purchased them. He left us in his yard, and our ministry trailer was on the street. We planned to sleep by the trailer that night so it would not get stolen, but God worked it out. There was a real hard bolt to remove, and the owner would not do it for us, so with much prayer and a special tool Rich purchased Rich was able to remove it. By 9 pm the motor home was hooked up to the Ministry trailer all fixed.
We received Blessing even before we reached Sturgis. We had to have tires checked and more grease put it because of the break down, two shops repaired that for us at no cost. And a man at a stop sign got out of his pickup and gave us $60. He said he loves Jesus. We have the J C and Us Ministries Logo on our trailer. Satan likes to get us down but Jesus picks us up.
We arrived in Sturgis on Friday, just got there and were setting up the table in the fellowship room with shower bags and books. A lady named Sharon came to me delighted with the Shower bag and the book ‘God is With You’ that we placed on the table. Her son was murdered in Nov. and she desires help with the grief. I know the pain of losing a child. I also brought the book Seasons of Grief. It helped me with the passing of Tammie. I prayed with her and shared with her.
Gentle Eagle is a wonderful campground owned by Bob and Chris. You don’t even have to go out to the streets of Sturgis, you can stay right there, and there are a lot of people that need Jesus. The two home cooked meals each day are complimentary to the campers. If you like to help in the kitchen, I did each day; it’s a wonderful time to get to know each camper and to share with them.
There was one man at camp who was hurting from all the hate in his life. Rich talked with him and he recommitted his life to the Lord. Plus Rich got to lead two men to the Lord on the streets of Sturgis.
Morning Rich and myself would head out to the streets, people are drawn to my 57 Chevy tike, and there we get to share with them. Giving out Scripture rags, leather key ring with a message of God Love, Scripture Coins, and 141 kids’ bags. Through mornings and evenings when Rich and James would go out over 1000 adults was given the plan of Salvation. Many seeds were planted. We would hand out the key rings with a picture of the tike put the back side of the card was the plan of Salvation.
Street time is so awesome, we love working the streets, and on Friday afternoon Larry and Kathy with Lockdown 4 the Lord Ministries has invited us to come along to the rest home in Sturgis, There were 35 residents that attended the program. We shared God’s love, in song, message, and even Randy joined in. The Ministry was blessed to give each one a little biker bear that the ladies helped make from our Church.
The opening Sunday and the closing Sunday J C and Us Ministries teamed up with Bob and Chris to have a service, even if the campers do not all attend, there load speaker is on and each camper can hear the message.
So thankful the Lord let us go. We love the staff at Gentle Eagle, they are like family and the witnessing time we can do right there. The hard part is the long hot drive but it is worth it.
We are so grateful for the Ministry faithful supporters; you are the US in J C and Us Ministries.